Miss Tamilnadu and Social Reformer Dr. Sheeba Lourdhes Saluting a Stalwart Statesman Dr.H.V. Hande on His 97th Birthday

#டாக்டர்ஷீபாலூர்தஸ் #drsheeba #drsheebaLourdhes #misstamilnadu #unitedsamaritansindia Miss Tamilnadu and Social Reformer Dr. Sheeba Lourdhes Saluting a Stalwart Statesman Dr.H.V. Hande on His 97th Birthday Event Date: 28-November-2023 Dr.Sheeba Lourdhes visited and honoured Patriot and Ex-Minister Dr.H.V.Hande at Hande Hospital, Shenoy Nagar, Chennai on occasion of his 97th birthday and got his blessings. Dr.Sheeba also got her blessings for her recent English Philosophy Books ‘ Magic Of Quiet Ego ’ and ‘ I am Tough because I am Good ’. Dr.Sheeba Lourdhes, Chairman Of United Samaritans India Foundation also released special edition of her Foundation Magazine ‘ Times Of United Samaritans India ’ from hands of Dr.H.V.Hande which is published exclusively to honour his 97th birthday In a world often captivated by the glitz and glamour of beauty pageants and the relentless pursuit of technological advancements, individuals who transcend these conventional roles to be...